Plants vs. Zombies Original Soundtrack

  • 中文名: 植物大战僵尸 OST
  • 艺术家: Laura Shigihara
  • 别名: Plants vs. Zombies Soundtrack
  • 版本特性: Original Soundtrack, Digital
  • 发售日期: 2010-11-22
  • 价格: 10.00 USD
  • 播放时长: 61:47
  • bandcamp:


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Special Thanks:

The Plants vs. Zombies team (George Fan, RichstfuWerner, and Todnut), my family for being supportive of my music and creativity (Dad, Mom "Mysticsage," my siblings), Chuck Doud, Ed Allard for helping me get the legal rights to release this (and for not getting mad when I threw peanuts at him), Ben, Garth, Jeff Green, Xuyen, Jeriaska, Luke, Hamza, Laura B, Max, Metroid the cat who writes poetry, The PopCap and Tikgames folks, and my Spongen pals <3

A very special thanks to George Fan, who believed in me and encouraged me to pursue my dream of becoming a video game musician from the very beginning. Boy can that man do a mean zombie dolphin impression or what?

released November 22, 2010

Soundtrack album originally published May 1, 2009
Composed, Performed, and Produced by Laura Shigihara
Album Art and English Zombie Vocals: George Fan
Japanese Zombie Vocals: My Dad





silentlight 听过 @ 12h 5m ago


不聪明的亚子 听过 @ 2024-5-5 11:34


yycjvbjbk 听过 @ 2024-3-12 22:55


Mushishi 听过 @ 2024-1-26 20:21

9/10 玩了大概10年了,百听不厌

Adam 听过 @ 2023-12-30 00:26

#7 Zen Garden

小豆hzj 听过 @ 2023-11-19 17:11

熟悉的音响,童年的回忆。曲子单情绪输出而言很奇特,难以简单地归结为一种情感(总之就是丰富多样又古怪有趣的精致小品乐),主旋律结合变化的很好。「♡Disc1:8,13~15,25,29」原曲和游戏使用曲有一定差异;作曲家和她老爸唱的日语版《Uraniwa Ni Zombies Ga!》比想象中还好笑;果然还是喜欢《Brainiac Maniac》;能理解《Zombotany》被废弃的原因,后半段降的太诡异;最后,歪比巴卜。

Sawarin🎐 听过 @ 2023-11-12 23:16

突然发现,音乐也屌 ∥ 怎么做到每首都这么好听?

GNAQ 听过 @ 2023-10-6 10:07


ニ ジカ 听过 @ 2023-8-26 21:19

劳拉姐姐是神 ll 我认为pvz的音乐应该用这个字形容:美 ll 24.2.11二刷

xc 听过 @ 2023-7-4 17:13

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